
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Farewell, Pumpkin Dudes!

Wow!  We made it!  I think I've mentioned before that it's a little tough when we have 5-week months in our challenge - I always have to dig deep on that last one!  But still, have you had some fun celebrating the men in your life?  We sure have!  Can't stamp with 'em, can't live without 'em, lol.

We also wanted to let you know that the team has decided we need to take a break for the month of July - something we haven't done since this challenge started up!  Between moves, vacations and general Pumpkin mayhem, July is a good month for us to grab some down time!  Please do keep checking out our individual blogs, as you can be sure Pumpkins are sure to pop up here and there as time allows or inspiration strikes, but know that we will be back bright and shiny for August!  Enjoy your summer!

Don't forget, there's still time to scroll to the bottom of this post to add YOUR project to the link up!

Boni, Heather, Jessica & Sarah

Boni Montano 
Heather Heroldt
Handmade by Heather

Jessica Urrutia 
 Stamp A Blessing

Sarah Edwards  

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

More Manly Pumpkins

I hope everyone had a lovely day celebrating and remembering the important men in their lives!  Around here, that meant a nice grilled steak with a loaded baked potato, lol.  The way to the heart of every man is through his stomach, right?

Even though the main dude event has now taken place, there's still lots to celebrate for our guys!  Enjoy these projects, and share your own!  Scroll to the bottom of this post to add YOUR project to the link up!

Boni, Heather, Jessica & Sarah

Boni Montano 
Heather Heroldt
Handmade by Heather

Jessica Urrutia 
 Stamp A Blessing

Sarah Edwards  

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Let's Hear It For the Boys!

Goodness - already week three of MPC0616-All About the Guys!  I know I was certainly reminded this week of how much I take for granted having my guy around the house - he went on his annual "man camping" trip!  Nothing like a missing hubby to bring on the household break-downs, lol.  Good thing I always make sure I know how to operate the water shut-off before he leaves!

This week is your chance to get in some last special treats and thoughts before Father's Day, too - do you have any plans?

Don't forget, scroll to the bottom of this post to add YOUR project to the link up!  We can't wait to see your creativity!

Boni, Heather, Jessica & Sarah

Boni Montano 
Heather Heroldt
Handmade by Heather
Jessica Urrutia 
 Stamp A Blessing

Sarah Edwards  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Pumpkin Dudes

Time sure is flying for our manly month of June - is it hot where you are?  Is it 116 out, like it is here in AZ?  I'm so grateful for the man in my life these days, because he's keeping the pool in tip top condition - while we fry our eggs on the pool deck, lol.  At least I'm getting LOTS of stampin' done - nice and cool in the craft room!

We can't wait to see YOUR manly projects this month - bring 'em on!  We love to see your projects!

Don't forget, scroll to the bottom of this post to add YOUR project to the link up!

Boni, Heather, Jessica & Sarah

Boni Montano 
Heather Heroldt
Handmade by Heather

Jessica Urrutia 
 Stamp A Blessing

Sarah Edwards

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

MPC0616 - All About the Guys!

We're so excited to kick off a new challenge here at My Pumpkin Challenge!  And in honor of our latest kit, Many Manly Messages, we decided to go with a "dude" theme, lol.  That's right stampers, this month is all about the guys!  
Remember, you can use ANY kit to play at this challenge.  All you have to do is make that Pumpkin SHINE!  We will bring you a little dose of inspiration every week!  The challenge will stay open until June 30, giving you lots of time to share your manly projects!  We can't wait to see!  

Boni, Heather, Jessica & Sarah

Boni Montano 
Heather Heroldt
Handmade by Heather

Jessica Urrutia 
 Stamp A Blessing

Sarah Edwards  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Farewell May!

What a fun month this has been. The 3D Projects have been awesome. It was a great theme. We hope you were inspired to make fun projects with your Paper Pumpkin kits. This is the last Challenge for May. Be sure to visit next week for a new Challenge. Can you believe June is around the corner? This year is flying by!

We love making Paper Pumpkin alternative projects. We also love to see what you are creating. You can still share your projects here. What is your favorite thing about the Paper Pumpkin kits? For me, I love the surprise of kit. I never know what the kit will contain and creating with something new and fun (Boni)!

Heather Heroldt

Boni Montano 

Sarah Edwards  

Jessica Urrutia 
 Stamp A Blessing

Thanks for stopping by!
-Jessica, Heather, Boni & Sarah-

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Paper Pumpkin Project Time!

Hello! Thanks for joining us for another week of 3D Galore! We have some lovely projects created by Heather and Sarah this week! They always come up with the best projects. Have you come up with some new ideas for your Paper Pumpkin kits? Be sure to share them with us. We love to see what you are making. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the post to link up your creation.

Can you believe we are halfway through the month of May? Time is flying. Summer is just around the corner. Don't forget to come back next week for more inspiration. Thanks for stopping by!

-Jessica, Heather, Boni & Sarah-

Heather Heroldt

Sarah Edwards  

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Think Outside the Box!

When you open your Paper Pumpkin kit are you mentally prepared to make the kit exactly as the directions show? Or is your mind already thinking of ways to change it up? Let's be honest, the kits are pretty wonderful as they are, but sometimes it is fun to think outside the box! That is why you are here right? This is the perfect place to get ideas and inspiration. Prepare to have your minds blown this week!

Heather Heroldt

Boni Montano 

Sarah Edwards  

Jessica Urrutia 
 Stamp A Blessing

Now it is your turn! Show us what you are making. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the post. You can share your creations. Thank you so much for visiting us. Come back next week for more Paper Pumpkin fun!

-Jessica, Heather, Boni & Sarah-

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New Challenge: 3D Galore!

Happy May Everyone! We hope Spring is treating you well, It is time for a brand new Challenge! To get your creative juices going, and ours, we thought 3D Galore would be a great theme. Create some projects or 3D effects, anything with dimension. Don't forget to check back every Wednesday for new ideas created by our Design Team. We invite you to share your lovelies here as well. Scroll to the bottom of the post and link up your creations. We can't wait to see what you are making!

Jessica, Heather, Boni & Sarah

Heather Heroldt

Boni Montano 

Sarah Edwards  

Jessica Urrutia 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Some Final Pockets...hee hee

Goodness, here we are already at the final week of "Pocket Full of Surprises!"  Amazing! Have you enjoyed it as much as we have??  I know I'm excited to have a nice stash of GC giving cards on hand now, lol.  As we wind this challenge down, we hope you've been inspired by all the little extras Paper Pumpkin has to offer - it's definitely our joy to share our ideas with you!

Don't forget, you can link your pocket project at the bottom here through April 30!

Heather, Boni, Sarah & Jessica

Heather Heroldt

Sarah Edwards  

Jessica Urrutia 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Catch a Falling Star...

...and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day!  For some reason, this song is running through my head today, lol, and so appropriate for our pocket challenge this month, too!  What fun it is to dig around for ways to add extra goodies to our cards!

Don't forget, you can still link your pocket project at the bottom here through April 30!

Heather, Boni, Sarah & Jessica

Heather Heroldt

Boni Montano 

Sarah Edwards  

Jessica Urrutia 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What's in YOUR (Pumpkin) Pocket??

You know, I just realized, that title might sound a little, hm, off-color, lol.  SO not meant that way, as you can see from our over-the-top-with-cuteness inspiration projects this week!  You really can't help but let the creativity shine with this one!

Don't forget, you can link your pocket project at the bottom here through April 30!

Heather, Boni, Sarah & Jessica

Heather Heroldt

Boni Montano 

Sarah Edwards  

Jessica Urrutia